Monday, July 20, 2009

Studio Redeux 2

I'm still playing with this (blog) and not sure how to post more pictures in the same blog entry. I need more practice here! I'm sure there's a way but my pics keep migrating to the top. So hang in here with me...
Well at least this one did end up to the side instead of at the top like all the rest I've been attempting to publish... Now you can see ALL the junk I still have. Do you think I need ANOTHER go through and toss out more? If you have any ideas or suggestions to improve this little space PLEASE share with me!!! All ideas welcomed.

Why on Earth has this project taken forever?? Junk I'm telling you - junk. Well ok, maybe not junk to me, but I MAY have had to personally touch a whole bunch of it before letting it go... and then there's the stacking and restacking, and taking it from one pile to another and second thoughts and trying to stay focused, and let's not talk about all the interruptions that happen with life and work and friends and family and am I trying to point the finger to everyone but ME? OK. Busted. It's just so hard to let go! (Do the whiney voice thing here I don't do that so well unless you ask the Cowboy but he's not allowed to weigh in on this topic at the moment, okay? (*grins*)...

But the ARTDOG now... he approves of everything I do. He's so sweet and generous and loving. I let him sit in my chair if he wants. I make his bed up on the table when he's sleepy. Now if I could just get him to drag off some of this extra stuff.... hmmmmm....


sonja said...

your studio looks great! (love seeing my May quilt calendar month hanging on your wall,too!) mine....looks like a bomb went of after haleiwa arts festival last weekend..
on your table skirts, what if... you sewed differet fabrics into a sort of tiered skirt and keep your cash for paints and bru shes? just a wild idea moment ... now back to unpacking the van and restocking the studio looks like i took every thing but a tent (festival does that). will post over on my blog when i dig out camera for office you studio assistant even if he sleeps on the job Ha!

FlutterbugArtGirl said...

Brilliant idea...I just couldn't think outside the box. Wait til you see what I come up with! Thanks bunches... Speaking of art assistants sleeping on the job -- could you tell it's your Peaches on under the white board next to the blue haired Troll? Love ya, Kate

sonja said...

why i did see evidence of peaches and hope that is not too early for u as pea hes and gang start up Early.... i slept through it the last 2 dawns....can't wait til i see what u skirt with. i am alreay looking for my harrachis and peasant blouse to go with...lotsa elastic in the waitsline please!!!. Son ja. cha cha cha!!!

Edzellinni aka Linda Edkins Wyatt said...

artdog looks VERY intense...mulling over the old question: which is better, oil or acrylic? (the answer is oil, LOL) or thinking, hmmm...should I machine quilt or hand quilt? oh, hey just texted me: he is ticked because Coco has not returned his IM