First though, I want to "Toot my own Horn" as my friend Edz would say. I am so excited that one of my art quilts is published in the next issue of Quilting Arts magazine!! Yay! (Insert Happy Dance here, and y'all join me!)... Page 72 if you are interested... you are, right??!! Having said that, let me get back to the topic at hand. Maybe we'll revist this topic when the actual shock wears off. *grins*
I've got ATC's in progress, a postcard swap winding up (yes Mama Hen Jo, I'm almost finished!), an art doll swap taking shape with my artpal Heather, my inner critic is nagging me and my muse is finding her zen place. Art-zen master Hula-girl Sonja is always keeping me on my toes. Next month I'm going to work on finishing up what I have undone (Girl Undone sounds like an artdoll to me)... and I'm going to squeeze as much art time as I can in between work and a week out of town and my big brother is coming to spend some time with us (he's a hoot!).
I've been trying to wend my way around facebook now and then (sorry Heather I'm a slooooow learner huh?) and mostly hanging out at the new Quilting Arts Community sight: Have you checked it out yet? There's so much information and new friends and inspiration to be found there. You will be so inspired by the galleries of artwork, and I hope to see yours there soon.
Have you hugged your pet today? If not, take a minute right now and do that. Do it twice. Then get into the art studio even for ten minutes. As I told a friend a little bit ago, a little art does a soul good.